Thursday, August 7, 2008

Ugh. Mornings without coffee are miserable things. I need my energy brewed, thank you, and poured into steamed milk. I slept late today and my latte was denied to me by a long line and an overwhelming impulse to be particularly punctual.

The bus going to the airport carries an interesting group of people. I'm not going to the airport but am instead getting off at the last stop before the freeway. I work in the scenic SoDo district, right across the street from a recycling plant that smells like some sort of refinery, like a factory that turns horse and cow hooves into glue.

The people who stay on the bus after I get off are all going to the airport. They carry their luggage and generally try to nap in their seats. A disproportionate percentage of them are Asian. The people who get off the bus in SoDo smell bad sometimes, are loud and rude generally, and smoke more often than not. They have no money and were raised with no money. Some of them have prison tattoes. They have jobs down here at least, but jobs that will get them no further than another month's rent and a carton of cigarettes.

Posted with LifeCast

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